Writing in this week's (November 6th) Bromsgrove Advertiser, Bradley said:
“The Budget last week confirmed this Government is on an ideological crusade which will punish all students, no matter if they’re being educated in our state schools or independent schools.
Imposing VAT on independent school fees is class warfare in its most naked form which will force pupils from independent schools into our state schools – and this Government doesn’t have a plan to deal with larger class sizes.
I’ve already been made aware of more than 30 pupils in Bromsgrove who have had to leave their independent school because of this policy, and I’ve spoken to parents who will no longer be sending their children to an independent school. This policy will therefore not achieve the outcomes the Government claims it will.
I was proudly educated in state schools and that’s why I’m fighting this policy because I know it won’t do anything to improve education in our state schools.
Sadly, the Government seems hellbent on imposing VAT on fees from January 2025. However, I’m pleased to have secured some concessions from the Government.
I am pleased the Government listened to my calls to ensure the children of military families are not impacted by this policy by committing to increase a grant to help cover boarding school fees. It was also confirmed that children with a local authority education, health and care plan, with a private school named on it, will be exempt from the VAT policy.
Of course I want this policy scrapped entirely, but I do welcome the two concessions the Government has made.
I will continue to fight for all of our schools to ensure all children receive the education they deserve in order to reach their full potential.
Not only is this Government imposing an education tax, but it’s punishing our farmers too with a Family Farm Tax. This tax threatens the future of farming as we know it across Bromsgrove and the Villages. It will threaten our food security, risk jobs lead to rising food prices and I will fight it all the way.
Our pubs were also dealt a bad hand in the Budget. By reducing business rates relief from 75% to 40%, pubs will be paying an additional £6,000 in business rates on average. So, I’m afraid you probably won’t feel the benefits from 1p off a pint.
However you look at it, I’m afraid this Budget just doesn’t deliver for hardworking people across Bromsgrove and the Villages.”